O Sapiéntia

O Wisdom! Advent is drawing to its close, and it’s time again for our annual look at the O Antiphons.
These antiphons are part of the prayers at the liturgical hour of Vespers (evening prayer) for the 17th through the 23rd of December – the 24th is of course the Christmas Vigil itself. They are ancient prayers, possibly dating back to the earliest days of the Christian era.
We begin these last days of Advent with a plea to Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, to teach us of Her ways, that we might be ready for the coming of Christ.
Resplendent and unfading is Wisdom, and She is readily perceived by those who love Her, and found by those who seek Her. She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her; one who watches for Her at dawn will not be disappointed, for She will be found sitting at the gate.
These videos, which I will be embedding each day until Christmas, were recorded by the Dominican student brothers at Oxford in 2006.
Original Latin: