Rorate Mass in the Ordinary Form

You are invited to an Advent tradition: a Rorate Mass on Saturday, December 16 at 6:00 AM. I can already hear the questions forming. What is a Rorate Mass? And why on earth would you have one at six in the morning?
Well, here’s the FAQ, as the kids say.
What is a Rorate Mass? It is a Solemn Votive Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated in Advent. It is traditionally celebrated by candlelight on the high altar and sung in Gregorian Chant.
Why so early? The Rorate Mass is traditionally celebrated so that the sky is dawning just as it finishes. This is to symbolize the coming of Christ, the Light of the World. This is why it is celebrated by candlelight. We are planning a breakfast afterward.
Why is it called Rorate? The name comes from the opening words of the Entrance Antiphon, Rorate cæli desuper, Latin for “Drop down dew, ye heavens”.
Where is the Mass being celebrated? The Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, 424 South 30th Street, Tacoma (just off I-5 overlooking downtown Tacoma).
Who is celebrating the Mass? The Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Kyle Mangloña, with Holy Rosary’s Priest Administrator, Rev. Michael Wagner, assisting him in choro.
I hope you will be able to join us for this beautiful, transcendent Mass.
Edited to add: Here are the photos from the Mass. It was amazing!
Edited to add: Rorate Mass Resources – in the Ordinary Form.