Camino Photo of the Day: Walking Past Mordor

As you walk past the MAGNA site near Zubiri, the Camino drops into the valley. In other places, there would be a winding trail (or sometimes a steep goat-climb) to get you down. The thoughtful folks at MAGNA put in a series of flights of steps. With the rains, the channels at the sides of some of them were full of gurgling water. This particular one, not so much.

It would have been quite pleasant, were it not for the scar on the land. You can see the edge of it in this photo.


It was somewhere near here that the Great Scarf Adventure took place, but that’s a story that Francine will have to tell.

Date: 01 April 2016
Place: Somewhere between Zubiri and Ilarratz (Navarra, Spain)

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