Innkeeper’s Apprentices

Ever since we returned from our first Camino in 2013, Francine and I have been taken with the idea of serving as hospitaleros. These are the folks who staff the albergues along the Way. Except in the private albergues, the hospitaleros normally work in two or three week shifts.

They staff various municipal, parroquial (and monastic) and association albergues throughout Spain.

This is a very Benedictine way to give back to the Camino which has given us so much. I’m certainly up for it! The challenge has been finding a time when the inclination and schedule coincide to take the training, never mind to actually serve.

Well, we’re finally taking the plunge. At least partially. We’re taking the hospitalero training from the American Pilgrims on the Camino and attending the annual convention. This year, it’s being held in March in Tahoe. It’s the first convention of any kind we’ve been to in years.

And after the training? Who knows? Pray for us!

The one thing I’m sure of: I’m definitely going to have to learn more Spanish.



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