2016 Route Update

After much back and forth, we decided to cut out as many of the extras as we can and just focus on the Camino. The current version of the plan (such as it is) looks like this:

Fly out of Seattle on Easter Sunday and into Madrid.

From there, we go to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port by one of two ways, either flying to Biarritz and then taking the train, or taking a bus to Pamplona and then bus or taxi.

We will take rest days in (at least) Pamplona and Burgos. Possibly Astorga. We’ll play it by ear.

Then, depending on what day we arrive in Santiago, we will have some options: stay in Santiago a couple of extra days, or take a quick jaunt to Finisterre, or hang out in Madrid.

Pilgrim's ProgressYesterday at our parish adult catechesis session, I gave a presentation on Christian pilgrimage. Needless to say, the second half of the presentation was about the Camino.

It was well received, and the entire group was engaged with the topic. Normally, you’ve always got your folks who sort of just sit back and absorb, but last night everybody was jumping in.

It was a lot of fun – two people even asked if there would be a longer Camino presentation. Not, I think, as part of our RCIA / adult catechesis program, but I could certainly be persuaded to put something together.

(Originally posted to Pilgrims on the Way.)


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