A Great Lake of Beer for the King of Kings
These quotes were published by St. Peter’s List. They’re too good not to share.
The sense behind these is pervasive throughout much of Catholicism.
God created the world, and it is good.
The Catholic Church is like a thick steak, a glass of red wine, and a good cigar.
(G.K. Chesterton)
In Catholicism, the pint, the pipe and the Cross can all fit together.
(G.K. Chesterton)
From man’s sweat and God’s love, beer came into the world.
(Saint Arnold of Metz, Patron Saint of Brewers)
Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
There’s always laughter and good red wine.
At least I’ve always found it so.
Benedicamus Domino!(Hilaire Belloc)
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath, and a glass of good wine.
(Saint Thomas Aquinas)
I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
(Saint Brigid of Ireland)
Hope everyone is enjoying their Octave of Easter!