A Prayer for Benedict

This morning I saw the news video below about a German journalist’s visit to Pope Emeritus Benedict. He has retired to the Mater Ecclesiae monastery inside the Vatican, where he “lives like a monk”.

When he abdicated, Pope Emeritus Benedict said that his primary job would be to pray for the Church – indeed, that’s why the monastery was established in the first place, as a place for those dedicated to praying for the Church.

Given that Catholic ecclesiology holds that all the baptized are her members, whether they know it (or want it) or not, the odds are good that Benedict is praying for you, right now.

Won’t you spare a moment to pray for him, as well?

O God, true shepherd of all the faithful,

look with kindness on Your servant Pope Benedict XVI,

whom You set as head and shepherd of Your Church.

We give you thanks for Your grace at work in him

as he had led us by word and example:

in his teaching, in his prayer and in his great love.

Grant him Your strength in frailty, comfort in sorrow,

and serenity amid the trials of this world;

and guide your Church, built on the rock of Peter,

with the power of Your Spirit as we continue on the path
that leads to You.

Through Christ our Lord.


I am simply a pilgrim that begins his last phase on this Earth.

I would like to, with all my heart, my prayer and my reflection, with all the strength inside me, work for the common good and the good of the Church and humanity. I feel very supported by your sympathy.

Let us move forward together, with the Lord, for the good of the Church and the world. Let us go forward with the Lord for the good of the Church and the world. Thank you. I now wholeheartedly impart my blessing.

(Pope Benedict XVI, his last speech as Pope)


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