Altar Server Training at Holy Cross

Today for the first time, I trained Altar Servers at a parish other than my own. I’d offered many months back at a “Quadrant meeting” for the staffs of our local parishes. So far, one parish has taken me up on the offer, Holy Cross.
So this morning, I spent two hours with their servers. We got through why we serve, as well as how to stand, walk, sit, move, carry things. We practiced the entrance procession and the recessional.
We did not, however, actually manage to work on the Mass itself. That’s for another day.
I was invited by Paula Fiorino, the Sacramental Coordinator, with the blessing of the pastor, Father David Mulholland. We even had the parish priest, Father Ron Knudsen drop in to help out. Thank you Paula and Fathers! You were so gracious to me, and I’m happy to get this ball rolling for you.
The kids (and adults) I trained were amazing, and I’m looking forward to coming back to finish what we started. Practice, practice, practice!
It’s one of the Lord’s little bits of poetry that today, on the Feast of Saint Matthew, I was able to continue the work that Dom Matthew Britt began all those years ago at Holy Rosary.
Deo gratias.
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