Changes 2017: It’s Official

The Northwest Catholic, the official magazine of the Archdiocese of Seattle, has published the official list of new priestly appointments for July, 2017.
In among the quite extensive list, we of course find the outgoing pastor and the incoming priest administrator for our parishes of Holy Rosary and Visitation.
Well, at least we now have current photos of both of them!
And what, I hear you asking, is a “priest administrator”? Well, essentially this is a priest appointed to head a parish (or in our case, two parishes), normally for a three-year term. He is a pastor in everything but name, the chief difference being the (theoretical) length of term and the fact that pastors have certain canonical rights that priest administrators do not.
Or, as the Archdiocese puts it:
Father Maurer was Priest Administrator of Holy Rosary for several years before being appointed our pastor, so that’s certainly one possibility. Given the juggling that’s going on right now trying to fit too few priests into too many parishes, it’s also possible that Fr. Wagner will be moved after his term. I don’t think anybody really knows at this point. Fr. Wagner is our third priest in 20 months.
Pray for more good vocations to the holy priesthood!