Corpus Christi

This coming Sunday my parish will participate in an outdoor Procession of the Blessed Sacrament following the Noon Mass.
This will be the sixth year we’ve taken Jesus through the streets of Tacoma and amongst His people.
Our interim priest, Rev. Francis Xavier Kikomeko, will celebrate the Noon Mass of Corpus Christi at the high altar, and eleven children of our parish and school will celebrate their first Holy Communion!
If you are anywhere in the area, I hope you will consider joining us.
Eucharistic Procession is a practice that’s been celebrated since the 13th century, particularly in honour of this springtime feast of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Commonly termed “Corpus Christi”, the feast celebrates the Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ – that the consecrated bread and wine truly are the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Following a cross-bearer and candle-bearers come the religious sisters, the Altar Society, and this year our children who have just celebrated their First Holy Communion. Following two thurifers, the priest or deacon carries a monstrance – a golden vessel containing the consecrated bread – under a canopy carried by parishioners. Torchbearers flank the canopy, and the people of the parish follow behind.
This year, following Mass and Benediction, we will process from Holy Rosary, across I-5 to Saint Joseph Church. There we will have some moments of Adoration and Benediction.
Then it’s back to Holy Rosary for the same.
Come and join us!
Following the procession, there will be a potluck picnic, featuring a hotdog bar sponsored by the Altar Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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