Congratulations to the Deacons!

Congratulations to my friend Gary Rose and to the twenty other men who were ordained to the Diaconate by Archbishop Etienne this morning!

Gary and I served together in the altar server program at Holy Rosary, and five years ago both he and I both applied for consideration to be formed for the diaconate. Gary was chosen, and I was not.

As I said to Father Wichert at the time: of the two of us, they made the right choice. Gary’s piety, humility, persistence, and dedication to service are all the tools the Lord requires to make him an amazing Deacon.

Throughout his formation, I have prayed for him and his family at my daily Office. I invite you to pray for them, and for all the new Deacons and their families today.

Gary is on the left in this photo of Father Wichert with the Altar Servers at Father’s last Mass as Pastor of Holy Rosary (Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul – 29 June 2017)

O God, who have taught the ministers of your Church
to seek not to be served
but to serve their brothers and sisters,
grant, we pray, that these your servants,
whom you graciously choose today for the office of Deacon,
may be effective in action, gentle in ministry,
and constant in prayer.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Archbishop Etienne’s homily for the Ordination Mass may be found on his blog.


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