
In the popular imagination, today’s (slightly moved) celebration of the Epiphany is all about the Magi from the East who traveled to worship the Christ child and gift him gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

But that’s not the whole story, for the Epiphany actually celebrates three separate events, only one of which is Magi with their three gifts. In Vespers tonight, the Magnificat antiphon speaks of all three:

Three mysteries mark this holy day: today the star leads the Magi to the infant Christ; today water is changed into wine for the wedding feast; today Christ wills to be baptized by John in the river Jordan to bring us salvation.

Each of these events is an epiphany:

In the story of the pilgrim Magi, Christ is revealed as the Light to the Gentiles.

In the wedding feast at Cana, Christ is revealed as a Worker of Miracles.

In the River Jordan, Christ is revealed as the Son of God.

It’s as if Christ is teaching us who He is a step at a time; as our understanding deepens, a new revelation is granted us. And really, if you look at Salvation history, this is exactly how God operates, bringing along His people step by step into a deeper understanding and an ever more moral and spiritual state.

God teaches us as a Father should, by bringing us along bit by bit. You need to know your letters before you can learn to read. You need to know how to read before you can learn to write a novel. Step by step. Epiphany by epiphany.

A very blessed Feast of Epiphany to all of you.


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