Eucharistic Procession through the Streets of Tacoma

A Medieval Eurcharistic Procession

Corpus Christi 2013
This coming Sunday my parish will participate in an outdoor Procession of the Blessed Sacrament following the Noon Mass.

The Masses that weekend will be celebrated Ad Orientem.

This will be the fourth year we’ve taken Jesus through the streets of Tacoma and amongst His people.

If you are anywhere in the area, I hope you will consider joining us.

Eucharistic Procession is a practice that’s been celebrated since the 13th century, particularly in honor of this springtime feast of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Commonly termed “Corpus Christi”, the feast celebrates the Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ – that the consecrated bread and wine truly are the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

Following a cross bearer, the priest or deacon carries a monstrance – a golden vessel containing the consecrated bread – under a canopy1 carried by parishioners. Torchbearers flank the canopy, and the people of the parish follow behind.

Holy Rosary / St. Joseph Tacoma Corpus Christ Procession, 2013

Holy Rosary / St. Joseph Tacoma Corpus Christ Procession, 2013

Our pastor, Very Rev. Nicholas Wichert, will carry the monstrance containing the Lord.

We will process from Holy Rosary in Tacoma, across I-5 to Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph is an FSSP parish, celebrating the older form of the Mass, what we now call the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

There we will have some moments of adoration and Fr. Wichert will offer benediction. Then the pastor of Saint Joseph, Rev. Michael Stinson, FSSP, will take up the monstrance containing the Lord, and he will lead us back to Holy Rosary.

Once again, we will have some moments of adoration, and Fr. Stinson will offer benediction.

Come and join us!

A Medieval Eurcharistic Procession

  1. Properly called a baldachin.

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