I Want to Walk for You

Several weeks ago, I was struck by the thought of carrying others with me on my long Camino this autumn. Now I know what you’re thinking. Sounds a little odd, yes? Perhaps the easiest way to clarify is to quote from the note to myself that I wrote back on April 3rd:
I’d like to walk this Camino – all 1000 miles of it – for the intentions of others. I have this crazy idea that I will solicit or ask for the prayers, hopes, and dreams of people that I know, or perhaps parishioners at my parish, or perhaps complete strangers, and carry those with me on Camino, to lay them in the crypt of Saint James.
Each time I have walked the Camino, I have carried with me prayer intentions, but they have been my own. Obviously, I will still carry my own intentions on this walk, but for some reason this time I feel called to carry the intentions of others as well.
I don’t really have a clear idea yet of how this will work, but I’m certainly open to ideas.
Well, before I’d even voiced this to anyone else, the Lord was busy showing me how this might work. Just a few days later, a friend asked if I could take her prayer intentions with me on Camino, since she didn’t think she’d ever get to walk herself. And then, this past weekend at the Gathering of Pilgrims, I was asked if I could take at least some of the stones left by pilgrims at our temporary Cruz de Ferro with me to the actual place.

As you can see, there were quite a lot, and I’d be carrying them for about 800 miles. Francine convinced me that perhaps a handful was better than a backpack full! In the end, I took four of the stones.
I’d like to walk for you, as well.
Respond with a comment, or DM me, or if you have my email address, contact me that way. Tell me your intentions. Tell me what prayers, hopes, and dreams you want me to take on Camino for you. I plan to pray for these along the way.
I will take them with me to Cruz de Ferro, or to the tomb of the Apostle in Santiago if you wish. I will pray for your intentions every day of my walk.
Please, though, no more rocks!
Originally published at Pilgrims on the Way
Dear Thom,
Hope this finds you well. I would be very grateful if you could pray for the following people during your Camino.
I do understand this may not be possible as you may be besieged by requests.
Thank you for planning to walk with the intention of compassion and bringing before God the petitions of others.
Trevor C., a disability advocate who has assisted thousands of people. Trevor has multiple disabilities; a few months ago he had a serious accident and has spinal injuries; he is experiencing excruciating pain and his doctors are still trying to find the source of the pain; his mother, aged in her 90s, recently passed away. Trevor and his wife (who is his principal carer) are really struggling.
Mr. Hem (I don’t know his first name; he is the father of someone I know) who has motor neurone disease and whose health is deteriorating.
Rovel and his wife. Rovel has leukemia and he and his wife are facing the inevitable future; that he will eventually become much more unwell and will not recover.
Gabrielle (myself). Gabrielle has medical issues that have affected her life greatly; she is also dealing with recovery from violence and the struggle to find positive, compassionate support services. Gabrielle requests God’s mercy, his guidance and protection, and his assistance to create a better life.
Thank you, Thom.
Will do!