Ninety Days

The number of days to our next Camino continues to drop precipitously. Less than three months to go! At this point, equipment and footgear is all acquired.

2015-12-19 11.54.00For shoes and socks, I have stuck with Keen. Their “garage” store is in downtown Portland, and it’s well worth a drop-by if you’re in the area.

The shoes are rugged and comfortable (and they look much less like clown shoes these days), and their socks are nigh indestructible.

Still on my list? I do need some new glasses, and perhaps a new pair of hiking pants.

And of course, the usual oddments – a new knife, some reflective tape for the pack, etc. Nothing huge.

Physically, our pre-Camino walking workouts begin in January, as does our Whole-30 diet.

Time is ticking away! Yikes!

(Originally posted to Pilgrims on the Way.)


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