Monday in Holy Week

This morning, also, Jesus goes with His disciples to Jerusalem. He is fasting, for the Gospel tells us that He was hungry (Matt. 21:18). He approaches a fig-tree, which is by the way-aide; but finds nothing on it, save leaves only. Jesus, wishing to give us an instruction, curses the fig-tree, which immediately withers away. He would hereby teach us […]

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Friday of Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin

Today, a week before Good Friday, the Church has traditionally remembered the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. While the commemoration was removed from the calendar in 1970, it survives in the Extraordinary Form, as well as in many local calendars including that most Catholic country of Malta and many Hispanic countries. The commemoration is so widespread, in fact, that […]

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750 Years

Today is the 750th anniversary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Of old (and in my Benedictine Ordo), today was his feast day, but in the calendar reform it was moved to January, presumably so that it would be outside of Lent. Saint Thomas Aquinas The saint died at Fossanova Abbey in Italy on March 7, 1274, and yesterday, […]

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Happy Saint Oswald’s Day!

Today, February 29th, is the feast of Saint Oswald of Worcester. He is also known as Oswald of York, since he became archbishop there in the year 972. Prior to this he had served as Bishop of Worcester since 961. Weirdly, on his accession to York, both dioceses were semi-combined for the next half-century. Oswald was a Benedictine monk and […]

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Again, No

Arms of the Archdiocese of Seattle

This past Saturday, on the Memorial of Saint Scholastica, I received my letter from the Archdiocese of Seattle regarding my application for formation to the Diaconate. The answer, as it was eight years ago, was no. This time, there was no real explanation, just a carefully worded form letter. The last time my application was rejected, I wrote a heartfelt […]

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Sunday Vespers at Saint Patrick

At our parish of Saint Patrick in Tacoma, we will be celebrating Solemn Vespers in the evening of each Sunday of Lent at 6:00 PM. Please, join us in the coming weeks if you are local and able. Chanted Vespers is a beautiful and traditional way of worship in our faith. We last celebrated Vespers here at Saint Patrick following the […]

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Saint Scholastica: Called to Love More

Saint Benedict was the founder of western monasticism; to this day, most monks and nuns worldwide follow some variation of his “Little Rule for Beginners“. Benedict had a twin sister, Scholastica, whose feast day is today. Under her brother’s guidance, she founded the first female monastery in the west. I often think that their parents had a sense of humour, […]

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Processions in the Rubrics of Lent

Pope Francis, Ash Wednesday stational procession, 2020

It’s a little hard to believe, but Ash Wednesday is just over a week away. Here at Pistachio House, we just took down the last of our Christmas decorations on Candlemas, and here we are practically in Lent already! The modern Roman Missal has a set of rubrics that cover the whole of Lent, before it digs into each day […]

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