Peter and Paul and Catherine

More than eight years ago, I was at the Mass for the installation of Archbishop Sartain. Now, it appears, we are welcoming the man who will eventually be his successor.

Pope Francis has appointed the Most Reverend Paul Etienne, currently Archbishop of Anchorage, as Coadjutor Archbishop of Seattle.
You can read more about it in the Northwest Catholic:
Archbishop Etienne was appointed by Pope Francis to eventually succeed Archbishop Sartain, who requested a coadjutor archbishop due to ongoing health challenges. ….
Since 2012, Archbishop Sartain has experienced a succession of spinal issues, leading to three separate surgeries. While his surgeries were successful, Archbishop Sartain’s back condition has continued to be painful and to negatively impact his energy and stamina.
“About eighteen months ago, I began praying for the Lord’s guidance regarding the possibility of asking the Holy Father to appoint a coadjutor archbishop,” said Archbishop Sartain. “In late September, I wrote Pope Francis and requested the appointment of a coadjutor archbishop, with a view toward retiring much sooner than expected because of my health. Pope Francis graciously responded positively to my request.”
The announcement was made this morning, on the Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, to whom Archbishop Etienne has a particular devotion. In fact, he did his thesis on her.
“For many years, I have seen St. Catherine as a companion and a kindred spirit,” he said. “She called the Holy Father ‘Sweet Christ on earth.’ She was his emissary on various occasions, and she offered many sacrifices for the unity of the Church.”
Etienne asked for prayers through St. Catherine’s intercession, that his ministry “will be fruitful and conducive to the unity of the Church and the salvation of God’s people.”
So let us all pray for our two archbishops, Peter and Paul.
O God, who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son
to be the eternal High Priest for the glory of Thy Majesty
and the salvation of mankind;
grant that they whom He hath chosen
to be His ministers and the stewards of His mysteries,
may be found faithful in the fulfillment of the ministry
which they have received.
Through the same Christ Our Lord.