Practical Pilgrimage – Now Available!

My new book, Practical Pilgrimage, is now available for purchase. Subtitled “Useful Rules for Walking the Camino de Santiago”, it’s a deeper exploration and expansion of a blog post that appeared back in 2023, Thom’s Practical Rules for the Camino.
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This short book (about a hundred pages) is chock-full of photos and anecdotes from my five Camino pilgrimages illustrating the twelve rules. Some of these stories are not particularly flattering to the author, but that’s the price you pay for gaining experience – and hopefully some wisdom as well.

I can already hear you saying, “Rules? For the Camino? But everybody walks their own Camino! Who are you to give me rules?”
Well, yes. That’s true. But echoing the disclaimer in the original post, I say in the book’s introduction,
These are my rules for a successful Camino. You may very well decide that these rules aren’t for you. Fair enough. Everybody is different, and everybody—as they say—walks their own Camino.
I’m just trying to give you the benefit of the mistakes I’ve made so that when you make mistakes, they are new and different mistakes.
Having said that, Rule 4 applies to everybody. Obey Rule 4.
If you’ve walked the Camino de Santiago or you want to walk the Camino, you will find these rules helpful. If nothing else, you can laugh at my mistakes while I worked them out.

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