Rite of Election

We’re just back from the Rite of Election1. This is where our Catechumens and Candidates signify their call to the Easter Sacraments.
In theory, this should be done at the Cathedral, but the enormous number of people entering the Church make this impractical. Every year, the Archdiocese of Seattle celebrates a number of these Rites throughout the Archdiocese – this year, we are up to nine times.
As was the one celebrated at the Cathedral on Monday, today’s for Pierce Country was full to the gills.
The Rite was beautiful – we had some people in tears – and the Archbishop gave a fine homily, exhorting us all to “dig deep” into our relationship with the Lord.
It was celebrated by Archbishop Sartain at Saint Charles Borromeo Church in Tacoma. We had five Candidates and four Catechumens and their sponsors2, plus the RCIA Team in attendance.Unfortunately, I was far too busy to get any decent photos. Most of these photos – the good ones! – were taken by my beautiful bride Francine. Here are a couple that I took, of our group singing the final hymn. Not the most flattering, and for that I’m deeply sorry, but it does at least show the whole group. Well, except poor Yuna, who is hiding behind Wilson.
This is a great group. I am particularly gratified that some of our Sponsors were themselves in RCIA only a few short years ago.
This is the Great Commission in action. This is Catechumens eventually becoming Catechists, echoing down the teaching as it has been from the Apostles until this very moment.For now, four of our Catechumens were today named among the Elect, and five of our Candidates were called to seek Confirmation.
And of course, Saint Charles parish, who hosted this event, always serves a great luncheon afterwards. Thanks so much to the parishioners and staff of Saint Charles Borromeo!
As for the Elect and the Candidates – next stop, the Scrutinies, and then Easter!
After that, who knows what these new newly Baptized and/or Confirmed neophytes will bring to the Church? One is discerning a vocation to the monastic life, one will, I think, join our choir. One may join the RCIA Team. Who knows? These things, like everything else, are in God’s hands.
In your mercy, please pray for all of our Elect and Candidates – as well as for our Catechumens who chose to take some more time in discernment. Pray for their Sponsors, and pray for our parish RCIA Team.