
We are spending the night in Sahagún. For those of you who are fans of “Babylon Five”, this will sound uncomfortably close to “Z’ha’dum“.

It was a beautiful day for walking – cool and sunny. A welcome change from the recent weeks. We had our second breakfast at the Albergue Jacques de Molay in the village of Terradillos de Templarios, because why wouldn’t you?

Just as you come into the town of Sahagún, there is a Hermitage and a monument that mark the halfway point of the Camino in Spain – that is, halfway between Roncesvalles and Santiago de Compostela.

We passed our own halfway point yesterday, but this was a nice way to mark the occasion nonetheless.

The time has come to make a painful decision. We have been beset by injuries, rains, and the results of the epic rain – mud and flood. Several times, what should have been two-day stretches have taken us three days.

Since we have time constraints – the date of our flight home leaps to mind – we simply must make up the lost days and adjust for our reduced pace.

Therefore, tomorrow we are taking the train to León and thereby skipping ahead several days. Afterwards, we will take a bus another day forward.

We are not really happy about this, but there simply isn’t any otherb way. We must walk the last hundred kilometers without transport, so if we are to do this, it must be now.
We will miss the friends we have made so far, but perhaps we shall meet some of them again in Santiago.


(Originally posted to Pilgrims on the Way.)


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