Schedule for Holy Week

Easter Vigil Christus Regnat
The following is the Holy Week schedule for the parishes of Holy Rosary and Visitation in Tacoma, Washington.

It’s less jam-packed than previous years, but there’s still a lot here!

Wednesday Tenebræ is not to be missed.

And of course, the Holy Triduum is essentially one giant liturgy (with some serious overnight breaks) that begins with the Introit of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continues through the Good Friday Liturgy, and doesn’t end until the Recessional following the Mass of Easter.

If it’s at all possible, you should try to make all three.

Please come and join us!

March 24 Vigil of Palm Sunday Confessions 3:15 to 4:45 PM Holy Rosary
Adoration 3:15 to 4:45 PM Holy Rosary
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 4:45 PM Holy Rosary
Palm Sunday Mass 5:00 PM Holy Rosary
March 25 Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Mass 8:00 AM Visitation
Palm Sunday Mass 10:00 AM Visitation
Palm Sunday Solemn Mass Noon Holy Rosary
Solemn (Chanted) Vespers 6:00 PM Holy Rosary
March 28 Wednesday of Holy Week Tenebræ 8:00 PM Holy Rosary
March 29 Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM Visitation
Adoration Following Mass Visitation Collier Center
March 30 Good Friday Solemn (Chanted) Lauds 9:00 AM Holy Rosary
Tre Ore and Confessions Noon to 3:00 PM Holy Rosary
Stations of the Cross 3:00 PM Holy Rosary and Visitation
Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord
followed by a vigil at the tomb
7:00 PM Holy Rosary
March 31 Holy Saturday Solemn (Chanted) Lauds 9:00 AM Holy Rosary
The highest, holiest liturgy of the whole year!
8:30 PM Holy Rosary
April 1 Easter Sunday Mass 8:00 AM Visitation
Mass 10:00 AM Visitation
Solemn Mass Noon Holy Rosary

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