Summorum Pontificum Roundup

Here are some of the best articles I’ve seen on the ten-year anniversary of Summorum Pontificum:

On the 10th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, we can safely say the doomsayers are wrong by Dom Alcuin Reid (Catholic Herald)

Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, Oregon celebrates a Pontifical Mass at the Throne in the Extraordinary Form, 2014

Pope Benedict’s Great Restoration by Michael Brendan Dougherty (National Review)

The Glorious Revolution Overthrown: On the Tenth Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum by Peter Kwasniewski (New Liturgical Movement)

The Real Importance of Summorum Pontificum by Rev. John Hunwicke

10 years of Summorum Pontificum and its effect on seminarians (guest post on the blog of Rev. John Zuhlsdorf)

Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum by Shawn Tribe (New Liturgical Movement)

And a note about the celebration at the Monastery of Norcia:

Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving at the Monastery of Norcia by Peter Kwasniewski (New Liturgical Movement)

Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, Oregon celebrates a Pontifical Mass at the Throne in the Extraordinary Form, 2014


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