The 10 Most Popular Posts of 2017

Who doesn’t like top ten lists? These are the top ten post hits on the blog for this past year. Last year I published a similar list, and it’s interesting to see how they intersect. Not all of the posts receiving the hits were necessarily written this year. Apparently, their appeal is enduring. So let’s countdown!
TEN: Maundy Thursday: Do This in Memory of Me
Posted on 02 April 2015
The Season of Lent comes to its end this evening, as we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This celebration commemorates the institution of the Eucharist, the source and summit of Church life.
Unlike most Protestants, the Catholic and Orthodox (and others of the Apostolic Tradition) believe that God is really there, wholly present in the consecrated bread and wine.
It ain’t just holy crackers, bub; it’s God.
NINE: Changes 2017: Welcome Father Wagner!
Posted on 03 July 2017
This weekend, Father Michael Wagner celebrated his first Masses at our parish of Holy Rosary as its Priest Administrator. In his homily, he gave us a thumbnail sketch of his life and vocation story.
Welcome Father Wagner!
Within ten minutes of meeting him, he had already given me a catechesis on the correct placement of the Stations of the Cross….
EIGHT: The Patron Saint of Grumpy Old Men
Posted on 30 September 2011 (dropping from fourth place)
Saint Jerome should be the patron saint of grumpy old men.
Born in the Roman province of Dalmatia in modern Slovenia, he studied in Rome starting in about the year 360. During a journey to Syria in 373….
SEVEN: Christus Resurrexit! Resurrexit Vere!
Posted on 26 March 2016
Literally an Easter icon and nothing else.
SIX: Novena to the Holy Deacons, Day 6: Saint Philip the Deacon
Posted on 04 December 2015 (but debuting on the list!)
O glorious Saint Philip, tireless preacher of the Faith, filled with compassion for those who invoke you, I kneel at your feet and humbly beg you to take my present need under your special protection, that they may serve faithfully in your love to all. Vouchsafe to recommend it to our Lord Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me….
FIVE: Novena to the Holy Deacons, Day 1: Saint Stephen
Posted on 29 November 2015 (but debuting on the list!)
O glorious Saint Stephen, first Martyr for the Faith, filled with compassion for those who invoke you, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles. I kneel at your feet and humbly beg you to take my present need under your special protection the Joyful Servants, that they may serve faithfully in your love to all. Vouchsafe to recommend it to our Lord Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me….

1476 — The Demidoff Altarpiece: Saint Stephen — Image by © National Gallery Collection; By kind permission of the Trustees of the National Gallery, London/CORBIS
FOUR: Changes 2017: Farewell to Father Wichert
Posted on 29 June 2017
This morning, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Father Nicholas Wichert celebrated his last Mass at Holy Rosary as its thirteenth pastor. The Mass was celebrated for the fathers of our parish on the Saint Joseph altar.
I served at the Mass, and I was able to make good on a promise I made…

Father Wichert in the sacristy with the Altar Servers of his last Mass as Pastor of
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Tacoma
(Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul – 29 June 2017)
THREE: Hopes and Prayers for a New Pastor
Posted on 08 May 2011 (dropping from last year’s second place)
We learned at Mass today that our parish priest, Rev. Carmine Sacco, S.J. is retiring some time this year.
We also learned that the Jesuits have appointed Rev. Gene Delmore, S.J. to succeed him. A quick search revealed that Fr. Delmore is currently serving as associate pastor of Saint Joseph’s in Yakima, and that he is scheduled to leave there in July.
I pray that Fr. Delmore is a good man and a faithful priest. …
TWO: Ch-ch-ch-changes (2017 Edition)
Posted on 07 May 2017
After less than two years with us, our Pastor is being moved. Rev. Nicholas Wichert announced to the congregation this weekend that he is being transferred to somewhere in Bothell, effective July 1. We’d barely gotten him broken in, and once again, a new Pastor is coming. Our parish of Holy Rosary is – yet again – going into transition. …
And now, the most popular post for the second year in a row…
ONE: Review: Monastic Diurnal at One Year
Posted on 24 July 2015
Although I’ve prayed some form of the Divine Office since before my baptism, just over a year ago I began using the Farnborough Monastic Diurnal. It is only at this point that I feel confident enough to review it. …
So that’s the top 10 of 2017. As with last year’s list, only three of them were actually published this year. This time all of those had to do with local parish transitions.
There were far fewer posts about the sacred liturgy on this list, though the most popular continues to be my review of the Monastic Breviary. What is most interesting to me is that the posts I consider the most important were not represented at all. I may have to do my own list! What was your favorite this year? Any favorites that didn’t make the list?
Thank you to each and every one of my readers. You guys are the best.