The 10 Most Popular Posts of 2018

Who doesn’t like top ten lists? These are the top ten post hits on the blog for this past year. Not all of the posts receiving the hits were necessarily written this year. Apparently, their appeal is enduring.
In addition, for posts that are part of a numbered series (Novena to the Holy Deacons, I’m looking at you), I’ve only listed the top post.
So let’s countdown! But first, an honourable mention.
Honourable Mention: Rorate Mass in the Ordinary Form and
Rorate Mass Resources – in the Ordinary Form
Both strong contenders. Combined, they would have come in seventh. Particularly impressive considering that the latter was only published a couple of weeks ago.
TEN: Friday of Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin
Posted on 27 March 2015 (but debuting on the list!)
On this Friday, a week before Good Friday, the Church has traditionally remembered the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin.
While the commemoration was removed from the calendar in 1970, it survives in the Extraordinary Form, as well as in many local calendars including that most Catholic country of Malta and many Hispanic countries.
The commemoration is so widespread …
NINE: Lacrimosa Dies Illa
Posted on 05 May 2018 (debut on list)
The Reverend Michael Wagner passed to God in the early morning hours of May 2, 2018. Since then, we’ve been caught in the whirlwind of planning and work, with hardly a moment to take it all in.
On the night of his death, our parishes came together to chant Solemn Vespers from the Office for the Dead. Rev. Nicholas Wichert, our former pastor, graciously came down to lead us in the liturgy.
EIGHT: The Patron Saint of Grumpy Old Men
Posted on 30 September 2011 (2016: 4th; 2017: 8th)
Saint Jerome should be the patron saint of grumpy old men.
Born in the Roman province of Dalmatia in modern Slovenia, he studied in Rome starting in about the year 360. During a journey to Syria in 373, he fell ill and had a vision …
SEVEN: Congratulations, Father Stinson!
Posted on 16 July 2018 (debut on list)
Rev. Michael Stinson, pastor of Saint Joseph Parish in Tacoma, has been appointed Superior of the North American District of the FSSP for a term of three years. Congratulations, Father!
The notice may be found in a no-nonsense press release from the FSSP.
Father Stinson has served in Tacoma since 2015, and I have always found him gracious and hospitable, even in cases where his guests were abusive of that hospitality.
SIX: Vesting Prayers
Posted on 29 March 2017 (but debuting on the list!)
One of my volunteer positions at my parish is that of MC and Altar Server coordinator. Since I started in that position, we’ve made any number of changes. One of the simplest and most profound, though, was the reintroduction of Vesting Prayers.
And what are they? In the immemorial tradition of the Roman Rite, certain prayers were recited while vesting for Mass. Indeed, each vestment had its own specific prayer, that alluded to the symbolic meaning behind that particular vestment.
Such things weirdly fell out of favour following the liturgical reform.
FIVE: Hopes and Prayers for a New Pastor
Posted on 08 May 2011 (2016: 2nd; 2017: 3rd)
We learned at Mass today that our parish priest, Rev. Carmine Sacco, S.J. is retiring some time this year.
We also learned that the Jesuits have appointed Rev. Gene Delmore, S.J. to succeed him. A quick search revealed that Fr. Delmore is currently serving as associate pastor of Saint Joseph’s in Yakima, and that he is scheduled to leave there in July.
I pray that Fr. Delmore is a good man and a …
FOUR: One Week On
Posted on 17 April 2018 (debut on list)
It is a week since Father Wagner collapsed and was taken to hospital. Since then, his parishes of Holy Rosary and Visitation have had hour-long holy hours/prayer vigils, alternating every night.
These are continuing.
At Holy Rosary, we somewhat impulsively put his biretta on the altar. Many people were profoundly moved by this gesture, so it has remained there since …
THREE: Novena to the Holy Deacons, Day 1: Saint Stephen
Posted on 29 November 2015 (2017: 5th)
O glorious Saint Stephen, first Martyr for the Faith, filled with compassion for those who invoke you, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles. I kneel at your feet and humbly beg you to take my present need under your special protection the Joyful Servants, that they may serve faithfully in your love to all. Vouchsafe to recommend it to our Lord Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace to one day meet God face to face, and with you and Mary and all the angels and saints praise Him through all eternity.
TWO: Review: Monastic Diurnal at One Year
Posted on 24 July 2015 (2016: 1st; 2017: 1st)
Although I’ve prayed some form of the Divine Office since before my baptism, just over a year ago I began using the Farnborough Monastic Diurnal. It is only at this point that I feel confident enough to review it. …
ONE: Please Pray for Father Wagner
Posted on 11 April 2018
On Tuesday, April 10, Rev. Michael Wagner, Priest Administrator of Visitation and Holy Rosary Parishes in Tacoma collapsed during the celebration of the holy Mass.
He was admitted to hospital with an irreversible brain hemorrhage. The doctors have advised his family and the archdiocese that he is unlikely to survive.
So that’s the top ten of 2018. In previous years, only three of the top ten were actually published in the year in question. This time we’re up to four, three of which are about Father Wagner.
In fact, the number one post on this list had more hits than the number ten post by an order of magnitude.
Once again, there were few posts about the sacred liturgy on this list, though my review of the Monastic Breviary continues to be popular. It remains true that the posts I consider the most important were barely represented. I’m going to do an end-of-year recap that will address some of that and also talk about the year in general, as it was exceeding strange.
What was your favorite this year? Any favorites that didn’t make the list?
Thank you to each and every one of my readers. You guys are the best.