The Advent of the Lord
The season of Advent began with last night’s vespers, and today is the First Sunday of Advent. This is the first day of the new liturgical year, so happy Advent and happy new year!
Behold, the Name of the Lord comes from afar, and His glory fills all the earth.
(Magnificat Antiphon for I Vespers on the First Sunday of Advent, Monastic Diurnal)
Not sure exactly what Advent is? Here’s a two-minute snapshot.
Meanwhile, I’m doing my annual fumbling to remember how to pray the Office for Advent! Thank goodness for The Saints Will Arise.
This is our first Advent as parishioners in our new old parish of Saint Patrick. With (hopefully) the Plague Years behind us, this is the first Advent in a while that has seemed, well, Advent-y if that makes sense. Later this week, I will begin training the altar servers at our parish, and Francine and I have for several months now been participating in the parish adult catechesis program.
It finally feels like a sense of normalcy is returning to our lives. Praise be God.