The Final Mass

Current and former Holy Rosary Parishioners are invited to attend our farewell outdoor Mass with Archbishop Etienne and several former pastors on September 13th 2020 at Noon.

Guidelines to Attend
We are strictly limited to 200 in the congregation, and parishioners MUST sign up ahead of time.Those who are vulnerable are encouraged to stay home and participate in a Mass online or on TV. We are researching options to live-stream this Mass.
Please stay home if you or anyone in your household is sick. Masks are required. If there is a medical reason that you cannot wear a mask, please stay home. Physical distancing is required at all times.
To make a reservation for Mass, please click this link:
Screening Questions
Before coming to Mass, please self-screen for signs of Covid-19. Assess yourself and your family. If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, kindly stay home. In the last 14 days have you:
- Traveled internationally?
- Been exposed to a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 without the correct PPE?
- Had a temperature of at least 100.0°F?
- Had new or increased shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
- Had a new cough?
- Had at least two of the following symptoms together:
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
On the Day
Please plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before Mass. Enter only at the east side gate (between the school and convent). Everyone coming to Mass must have a reservation. You will be checked in as you drive up to the parking lot gate. You will also be asked all of these questions again.
Plan on bringing your own chairs, and perhaps an umbrella, as we expect bright sunshine!