Walking the Loop

Francine at Snake Lake (2015-02-21 10.06.52)

A couple of months back, Francine and I took a short hike that absolutely winded us. Wiped us out. Clearly, we’re out of shape.

So we’ve started our 2016 Camino training much the way we did for 2013: we’re beginning with loops around Snake Lake. There’s a flat loop of trail around the lake, and a fairly steep hill-climb with multiple switch-backs. It’s not long, but it allows you to set a number of reps and to bug out if you’re not feeling up to it.

The photo is Francine on one of the bridges over the narrow little lake a couple of weeks ago.

We’re walking Snake Lake on Saturday mornings and Monday afternoons. And of course, I’m walking at least 5km every day to and around and from work.

Eventually, we’ll head back to the longer trails at Point Defiance Park.

And then… back to the crazy Australian regimen in endless loops around Wright Park.

But not today!

(Originally posted to Pilgrims on the Way.)


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