What Happens When You Violate the Comment Policy for Five Years Running

Well, that’s a first. Due to an unremitting stream of vile and abusive comments from a particular individual, I’ve had to break out the nuclear option.

I’ve blocked her IP address from even seeing the blog. Hopefully the plug-in works as advertised. I imagine I’ll hear all about it if it doesn’t.

Given the number of plug-ins available for this, it would seem that this is a common problem for blogs.

I probably should have done this years ago, I know, but only in the recent past has it finally sunk into my thick head that no matter what I do or say, she will not go get the help she needs to address her issues.

Please, in your mercy, pray for this person.



  • Ry Schwark

    Always sorry to hear when it comes to this, but sometimes it must. It really must.

    I discovered the internet back in the early ’80s in college (then the arpanet), and it opened up a wonderful world to me. I could correspond with friends, new and old, around the world.

    But it comes with a price.

    For some, the apparent anonymity of text causes them to abandon all social graces. For a few, it’s darker still. They cannot resist the temptation to say things vile enough that were they to occur in person all discourse would cease as everyone stared.

    I don’t really understand why. I don’t really want to understand. I just know from my relatively long experience that nothing helps and the only option is full disengagement.

  • Aileen

    Sorry! She needs EGR. I’ll pray that EGR (Extra Grace Required) be given to her so that the words that comes out of her lips will be as sweet as honey! And what always help me… the the Serenity Prayer.:)

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