
The mercy of God is a scandal – Christ offers His infinite mercy to every worst kind of sinner, excluding no one. This eternal upwelling of mercy overflows, cascading upon the whole of the human race. It extends to murderers. It extends to rapists. It extends to thieves, and liars, and stalkers, and vandals. It extends to tax collectors and prostitutes. It extends to me, and it extends to you.

Only one thing is required. You must accept this mercy. You must freely accept the love of God and all the responsibilities that implies – including forgiveness of those who sin against you in these ways. You must say yes.

Our model for “yes” is a woman who freely chose the deepest “yes” to God ever recorded. Today we celebrate the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary (cf. Luke 1:26-38).

Annunciation by Julius Schnorr Von Carolsfeld, 1818

Annunciation by Julius Schnorr Von Carolsfeld, 1818

He addressed her as “full of grace”, for indeed the eternal Saviour who would become her son had transcended mere time to grace her immaculate conception.

He told her that she was destined to bear a King of the House of David.

She was understandably confused. Was she not a virgin? How could this be?

The angel said that the Holy Spirit would “overshadow” her, using the same word that the scriptures used for God’s presence upon the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. He was telling her that she would be a new Ark, and would indeed bear God.

Now we come to the moment of truth. What would be her response? Would she refuse? Would she react in fear and disbelief as indeed Zechariah had done when the angel had announced the conception of Saint John the Baptist?

Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

In today’s Solemnity of the Annunciation, we celebrate that event, that “yes”. And as we contemplate that pivotal moment in our salvation history, we would do well to ponder our own “yes” to a constant conversion of heart, a constant turning towards the Lord and His Divine Mercy.


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