Route – Camino Primitivo 2022

Francine and I walked a new Camino route in 2022, well new to us, anyway. This is the Camino Primitivo – “The Original Way” – the traditional route taken by the first pilgrim to Santiago, King Alphonso II of Asturias, in AD 814.
It begins in the Asturian capital of Oviedo and crosses the mountains of the Cordillera Cantábrica. The walk is about two weeks. We took a zero day in Oviedo to start, and also in the city of Lugo, a little more than halfway.
It wasn’t the long Camino I’ve been dreaming of for so long, but given the time restraints imposed by working for a living, this is the best we can do for now and still make it to Santiago in a Holy Year.
And what’s not to love? Grand sweeping mountain vistas, regions steeped in history, and the immanent presence of God and His saints.