Camino Photo of the Day: Always Get the Local

After visiting the church, I went back to the village square. I grabbed a seat at the outdoor café there and ordered myself a refreshing beverage. The beers I encountered in France tended to be on the light side, which was perfect for the hot weather. In fact, blondes and whites were by far the most common local beers I saw, at least early on in my Camino. Later on, I also encountered ambers, which the French insist on calling red (rousse). I make it a rule to always ask for the local beer (une bière locale or régionale), as the factory beers everywhere taste pretty much the same all over the world. I’ve encountered some surprisingly tasty beers in France.

This particular beer is local to the Aubrac – the name probably gives away the game, there – and I enjoyed it for the couple of days I was in the region.

Date: 23 August 2023
Place: Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac, Aveyron Département, Region of Occitanie, France


If you’re the sort who looks at the maps, you’ll note that the stage shown is 32+km long. I split this up into two days, since I wanted to spend some time exploring both Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac and Saint-Côme-d’Olt, both of which are on the list of most beautiful villages in France.

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