Camino Photo of the Day: Palais de justice d’Espalion
This iconic view of the town of Espalion features a view of the Palais de Justice d’Espalion (courthouse) and the Pont Vieux (lit. “old bridge”) over the River Lot. The courthouse dates to 1572 and has served a variety of governmental and defensive functions over the centuries. It was converted into an artists’ residence in 1992. The first bridge on this site is attributed to the reign of Charlemagne, about 780, although the oldest confirmed record of it is in the 11th century. Portions of the current bridge probably date back to the 13th century, and it once had houses and substantial fortifications built atop it. The last of these were cleared away in 18th century.

Date: 25 August 2023
Place: Espalion, Aveyron Département, Region of Occitanie, France