Camino Photo of the Day: Saint Thomas in Conques
Among the many small shrines in the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy in Conques, there is a statue of Saint Thomas Becket, one of my favourite saints. Finding a statue of him here was a surprise. The nearby sign includes a quote from a letter he wrote to a Bishop named Gilbert. The Image is below in the bonus slot, and here is a rough translation:
Remember how our fathers obtained salvation, how and through what storms the Church grew and spread; what storms the ship of Peter had to cross, which has Christ as its pilot; how those have reached the crown whose faith has shone more brightly in trials. This is how the multitude of all the saints has advanced, so that this word may always be true: the athlete receives the crown only if he has fought according to the rules.
Seems appropriate to today, which is my birthday.

Bonus photo:

Date: 27 August 2023
Place: Conques, Aveyron Département, Region of Occitanie, France