Camino Photo of the Day: San Esteban in Zabaldika

The little church of San Esteban has a beautiful, but rustic, high altar. Apologies for the slight blurriness. Someday, I’ll get a better camera. The retablo features many of the saints associated with the area, including San Esteban (St Stephen) directly above the tabernacle and Santiago (St James) to the left of the tabernacle. As in many of the Spanish altar retablos, the Crucifixion is at the top, and below it the Blessed Virgin.

The nuns let me ring the 14th century church bell at the top of the tower. I rang it twice: once for me, and once for Francine. I met back up with Francine at the bottom of the hill. Eventually.


Date: 01 April 2016
Place: Zabaldika (Navarra, Spain)

Our current position may be found on these maps.

Super zoom:


The long view:

Map of the Camino in Spain

Map of the Camino in Spain


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