Camino Photo of the Day: Tympanum
While I have certainly taken better photos of this massive sculpture, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to post this first one. This type of sculpture is known as a tympanum, and this particular example is part of the “porch” of the Iglesia de Santa María in Villalcázar de Sirga. The upper register shows Christ in majesty, surrounded by angels and the apostles. The lower register depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Christ child, surrounded by Old Testament kings and prophets. I absolutely adore tympanums (tympani?), and I really wish they’d make a comeback in modern church architecture.

Date: 15 April 2013
Place: Villalcázar de Sirga (Province of Palencia, Castilla y León, Spain)
Today started: Itero de la Vega (Province of Palencia, Castilla y León, Spain)