Doctor, doctor…

Date: 30 August 2023

Place: Madrid

Ever get woken up from a dead sleep to hear “…doctor, emt, on the plane please come to aisle…” and realize you need to get up out of your seat because the person next to you has also sprung to life and must answer the call? That was new. 

We got to Madrid! It was just what the doctor ordered. Despite a one hour flight delay and a two hour customs line. 

Exhausted, Becky and I split a taxi to the pensione. We got situated and took a brief 30 minute refresh nap. 

Then we went exploring until… well… until bed time. 

We walked all over. Had my first bocadillo de chorizo of the trip. For dinner we ate gazpacho and sangria. Then we went to the Parc Infantíl Montaña de Principe Pio. Saw the statue of Don Quixote and caught the sunset.  Tomorrow, Logroño! 

Photo blitz! 



  • Karen

    No no, You must name and describe each dish you post, I insist!
    🙂 glad you got there safely!

  • Plaidypus

    What is that Teddybear Palace about? I have so many thoughts. And the Miss Piggy Mona Lisa, you’re definitely never going to see something like that anywhere else. in the world. Nice find, lol.

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