Little baby goat feet

There is nothing more frustrating than being at odds with yourself.
We are staying at the hotel here in Villafranca Montes de Oca because… While it is sunny, it is also black. While there are rainbows, there is rain. And there is a windstorm coming. And I have a cold and I want to stop and take a day off. 

We only did 6km. But this is the LAST place you can catch a bus to Burgos. Otherwise, we would have to take a taxi into Burgos for who knows how much. This way, we can rest, enjoy a little village life, drink, and spend half as much on a hotel and transport. The bus will be 7€ in total for the both of us. The room, with a private bath and a gorgeous view and a lunch and breakfast included is under 100€.  I guarantee it wouldn’t be quite as nice in Burgos for the same amount. 

Did I mention that I’ve got a cold. I’m taking some aspirin for my cold but not the pain meds so I can go get a drink or four. I haven’t really been able to drink half a bottle of wine a night while taking these pain meds. I have a little and then sack out, missing out on a lot of the fellowship. 

What else? I have a new blister. This is the first day I haven’t had to wear my kinesiology tape. 

And I can take a nap. 

I’ve been down on myself for a while now because I’m not fast enough. Being short has its advantages, I guess, as I’m not wearing the knee braces that I see long legged folk have. But the trade off is that I take about 1/3 more steps in a day than everyone else which is murder in my feet. 

And I get there slower. Thom wants to go 25km a day and I’m done by 22-24km at 3-4 in the afternoon. I physically can’t sustain that pace. I can barely sustain this one. 


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