Ninety Days

The number of days to our next Camino continues to drop precipitously. Less than three months to go! At this point, equipment and footgear is all acquired.

2015-12-19 11.54.00For shoes and socks, I have stuck with Keen. Their “garage” store is in downtown Portland, and it’s well worth a drop-by if you’re in the area.

The shoes are rugged and comfortable (and they look much less like clown shoes these days), and their socks are nigh indestructible.

Still on my list? I do need some new glasses, and perhaps a new pair of hiking pants.

And of course, the usual oddments – a new knife, some reflective tape for the pack, etc. Nothing huge.

Physically, our pre-Camino walking workouts begin in January, as does our Whole-30 diet.

Time is ticking away! Yikes!



  • Cam

    So are you getting as excited as when you left for your First Camino ??

    I can’t believe that it has been a almost two years since my son and I did it.. I’d love to did it all over again, especially after “Lessons Learned” are still as fresh as the blister that we “earned”.

    As for the Keen shoes.. Hmmm. I bought a pair from the Local REI and walked the Camino. They were very comfortable and they were broken in by my 15 mile day training walks. So I figured – “G2G” Wrong !! I happened to get caught in 2 .5 days of rain going through Burrgos and the soles of the shoes separated from the leather uppers. BUMMER – After repeated attempts to re glue the shoes back together I had to tape them up to reach Santiago. The tread on the soles were perfect and show no sign of wear, I figured that KEEN used water solvable GLUE ;-0

    I sent a photo of the taped up shoes to REI and KEEN…as asking them if this had been a problem for other folks > CRICKETS

    Another lesson learned , I figure.

    As you known by now, when your feet and knees are refusing to carry you further, you can ALWAYS Send you backpack ahead to the next alburgue/pension for a few Euros and count on having a place to spend the night while walking unburden ! Makes the stroll a dream!!

    Buen Camino !

    • Thom

      Hello Cam!

      We are super silly excited.

      There’s a lot less trepidation and worry this time around – a result of all of those “lessons learned” no doubt.

      I’ve never personally had any trouble with the Keens, or REI. I think the trick for REI is to physically bring in something you’re dissatisfied with. For me, they’ve always traded it in on the spot, no questions.

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