On Having Walked 26km Today from Castrojeriz to Frómista

Each day of our pilgrimage, it has pleased God to send us a new trial. If it is not hills to climb, then it is rain. If it is not rain, then mud. If not mud, then a driving wind. 

Today, it pleased God to send us all of these in succession. 

To these trials must be added the moment by moment reminders of our fragile mortality: the pains in our backs, our hips, our legs, and our feet – oh, the pains in our feet!

But today we have also been given marvelous gifts and consolations: the wonder of climbing up into a cloud, the exuberant joy of goldfinches dancing in the wind, the love of a husband and a wife and their laughter in adversity, the undeniable pleasure of a hot shower, the cheer and comfort of friends and good wine.

Even the consolation of achievement pales before these.

God strengthens us in our trials, and He strengthens us to face the unknown trials ahead. 



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