Camino Photo of the Day: the Steps of Saint-Fleuret

After visiting Château d’Estaing, I explored the village, wandering down its narrow medieval lanes, before somehow ending up directly in front of the church I’d visited earlier, Saint-Fleuret d’Estaing. There was just something about this view from a narrow lane and the tired pilgrim sitting on the steps that struck me as a proper encapsulation of this utterly charming village. […]

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Camino Photo of the Day: Charles-Henri d’Estaing, Admiral of France

The castle is mostly given over to a museum of the castle’s own history, the original family who lived here, and its most famous recent owner, former President of France Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. This is a portrait of the last of the original family, Charles-Henri, Comte d’Estaing and Admiral of France. He fought for the United States during the American Revolution and was later guillotined during […]

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