Camino Photo of the Day: Palais de justice d’Espalion

This iconic view of the town of Espalion features a view of the Palais de Justice d’Espalion (courthouse) and the Pont Vieux (lit. “old bridge”) over the River Lot. The courthouse dates to 1572 and has served a variety of governmental and defensive functions over the centuries. It was converted into an artists’ residence in 1992. The first bridge on this site […]

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Camino Photo of the Day: Église de Perse

Originally part of a Benedictine priory, this church is located on the approach to the town of Espalion, It was the town’s first parish church by the 11th century, and despite the distance from town remained a parish church for the next 700 years. Properly titled the Église Saint-Hilarian-Sainte-Foy de Perse, it was built on the site where Saint Hilarian of Espalion […]

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