Camino Photo of the Day: Wherein our Plucky Pilgrims become Hopelessly Lost

Somewhere in the fog, we missed a marker. We ended up walking on the highway for considerably longer than strictly required. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that we did the same thing in 2013. In our most recent Camino, we actually managed to follow the correct route, which came as something of a surprise. Date: 29 April 2016 Place: Somewhere between […]

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Consolations and Graces

It’s one month since we arrived in Santiago de Compostela as pilgrims for the third time. Every pilgrimage is different. You’re a different person with different concerns and worries and joys each time. And the Lord gives you different graces and consolations each time. It normally takes me a month or longer to process our Caminos. Re-entry is difficult. This […]

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A Tale of Two Short Days

Yesterday began with rain and getting ourselves lost, adding two kilometers to our day before we even left Melide. Morale was low, and this cartoon posted on the wall of our lunch spot in Castañeda captured it perfectly. But then we ran into a delightful Australian family that we had been meeting up with now and again over several days. […]

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