So We Meet at Last

Arrived in Pamplona about 3:30 PM, so it was a brisk day. The weather was beautiful – cool and mostly overcast. It was perfect walking weather.   We set out from Zubiri at 7:40 after breakfast and a quick meet up with Billy, Becky, and Penny. They weren’t going to leave for a while, so we  pressed on without them. […]

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Zubiri in the Rain 

Yesterday was warm and sunny. Today we started with rain that soon became a day-long downpour. A very cold downpour. Ponchos came out at second breakfast in Bar Fronton in Burguete. Despite hail and freezing rain, we made very good time in the morning, lunching in Biskaretta. We even stopped by Corazón Puro to say hi to István and Barbara, but […]

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All the Pain

Today was probably the most physically challenging day of my life so far. We bought some sandwiches and left Saint-Jean in good spirits. We soon met up with Penny, a seventy-ish woman from Idaho and Matthias, a young German who started his Camino three months ago from his home in Köln. Penny wasn’t walking with a pack, having sent hers ahead. […]

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