Heatwave, Day Two

24 April Fun hiking morning with Smith and Terra, Santiago, and Stella and Diego (from Brazil). In Villafranca del Bierzo, we mailed home a box of souvenirs and various unneeded items. Lunch in Pereje with Smith and Terra, Ian from Glasgow (who we met walking into the village), and Anya from Nuremburg. Then, the heat set in. Progress slowed to […]

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A Hot Time

23 April On paper, this should have been our easiest day. Unfortunately, a heatwave hit. We arrived in Ponferrada in good shape and good time, but there we found the old Templar castle. We waited until it opened at 11, and we spent over an hour exploring both the castle and its collection of medieval manuscripts. Not to mention the […]

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Cruz de Ferro

22 April 2013 One of the great traditions of the modern Camino is to leave a stone at Cruz de Ferro, an iron cross marking (more or less) the highest spot on the Camino route in Spain. This, we did today. In an earlier entry, I talked about my stone, and some of the meanings behind it. I put down […]

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We’re Not Dead!

We’ve been without wifi for several days now, so I thought I’d post a quick note in lieu of full updates to follow later. We’re currently having breakfast in a bar in Samos, across the street from the stupendous monastery where we spent the night. The bar has wifi (obviously), but we need to get on our way. Chant Mass […]

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Olive Trees and Lavender

21 April 2013 Francine´s second day, and the Benedictine connection continues. We were misinformed about the local Mass schedule, and it briefly appeared that we would have to wait until 10am for a Mass, meaning we wouldn´t be on the road until 11 or later. Fortunately, we were told that there was an evening Mass (7pm) at our intended destination, […]

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Francine Takes a Walk

20 April 2013 After breakfasting in the Benedictine hotel, we walked to the bus station – maybe 1.5 km – and caught the 9:30 bus to Hospital de Orbigo. We walked back across the town to Puente de Orbigo and walked across (and back across) the astonishing medieval bridge there. There´s a jousting field next to the bridge. Jousting is […]

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The Lion in Springtime

19 April 2013 Arrived in Leon after a relatively easy 18 km walk, made only slightly tiring by the fact that much of it was on city sidewalks. This is a fantastic city, probably my favourite so far other than Pamplona. Narrow, crooked streets, bursting with life and song and commerce. The cathedral is glorious. There´s an audio tour, of […]

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