
Time grows short! We`re back from Stations at church and doing all sorts of last minute errands. Among these are the dreaded final packing. I like to be all packed for trips at least a full day before going somewhere. This way, I tend to discover all the things I forgot still laying about the house. This post is also […]

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An Intentional Camino Day

Back in August, a buddy and I had what I called “an inadvertent Camino day”, where we sort of accidentally walked 25km. While there’s no such thing as a “typical” day on the Camino, 25km is a pretty fair shot at it. Well, today I intentionally walked 25km with full pack. Francine (who is a couple of weeks behind me […]

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Many Blessings

This past weekend was a crazy whirl of last minute errands and bon voyages. Although I’m not leaving until Easter Sunday, and Francine not until the 17th of April, we thought it best to avoid the rushing around the week before Easter. We topped up our equipment at the REI sale in Tacoma on Saturday. Some crazy deals at the […]

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Pilgrims on the Camino carry a Credencial, or pilgrim’s passport. They are issued by various Confraternities of Saint James, and you can also get one at Cathedrals and other places along the Way. The idea is that you get it stamped each day – ideally several times a day – to record where you’ve been and to prove that you’re […]

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The photo here was taken by a pilgrim yesterday at Roncesvalles. The passes are choked with snow, and at this point people have to walk on the highway to get from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Roncesvalles. And it’s taking them two days. I won’t have that kind of time, and I’m leaving in just over two weeks. Even assuming the snow is […]

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I Want An Adventure

What do you want for your fiftieth birthday? Thom asked me this not realizing or ever foreseeing what would come of this question… “I want an ADVENTURE!” I came back with enthusiasm. “What sort of adventure?” he queried. I, having just read somewhere about a pilgrimage trek, spilled out “The Camino de Santiago.” thinking that was the most insane idea […]

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Training Regimen

Now that we are well and truly in Lent, our serious training has begun. Prior to the beginning of February, Francine and I were hiking the weekends and I was walking about two miles a day during my commute. Now we’ve got a slightly more intensive plan. I’m well aware that there’s a school of thought that says you can’t […]

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