Camino Seattle?!

How did I not know about this? Camino Seattle is a five-week walking/hiking and prayer event for St. James Cathedral Parish, beginning June 24, 2012 and ending July 29, 2012, the Feast of St. James. It looks very cool, but it’s practically over! And given that this weekend is Francine’s birthday, it’s unlikely that we’ll be attending any of the […]

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Equipment Update

Over the course of my initial equipment acquisition and experimentation, the Camino Boards have been invaluable. My Keens are just fantastic – they were broken in by the end of my first hike. My pack – an Osprey Kestrel 48 – is comfortable and roomy. Even with 15 pounds packed in, it weighs almost nothing on my back. And of […]

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Hat and Shoes

Adventury Hat

Today, after attending a young friend’s graduation, we headed over to Cabela’s to exchange my hiking shoes. I had purchased a pair of Merrils several weeks ago, but after about 20 miles of hikes they had not broken in. In fact, they’d gotten more and more painful the more I wore them. So I exchanged them for a pair of […]

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Gear Up!

While today is the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, I really have little to add over what I wrote last year. Instead, I’d like to ruminate a bit about next year. Yesterday at Mass, I heard the word “pilgrim” an awful lot, including twice the phrase “pilgrim Church on earth” (cf. Third Eucharistic Prayer). Among other things, it got […]

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Anticipating an Arrival

God willing, and assuming I have calculated correctly, exactly one year from today I will be arriving in Santiago de Compostella in Spain at the end of a long pilgrimage. The two obvious questions are: What? and Why? The “what” part is easy. I will follow the medieval pilgrimage trail known as the Camino de Santiago, starting from the mountain […]

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