One Year Ago: to Burgos

(from my journal) Burgos 12 April We were continually lost during the deathmarch to Burgos, as we trudged through slums, industrial zones, and streets of shuttered businesses. All in all, not the best introduction to a city. The people we passed all seemed surly, and virtually no one returned any greeting. The city centre, by contrast, is quite beautiful, and […]

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One Year Ago: Chickens

(from my journal) Belorado 10 April After the severe physical trial of yesterday, we were determined to take it easy, starting late and perhaps only going as far as Grañón or (at the most) Redicilla del Camino, some 11km distant. Before setting out, we explored the Cathedral. Santo Domingo himself is buried in the crypt, and I knelt there a […]

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One Year Ago: Snow!

(from my journal) Estella Easter Saturday / 5:20AM I woke up early and surprisingly refreshed. I wrote some post cards and will attempt to pack my bag before everyone else it up for breakfast. It’s snowing. Los Arcos 4:30PM Arrived in Los Arcos about 3PM. This morning, Charlie, Eamon, Petra, and I set off from Estella in high spirits and […]

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One Year Ago: the Long Climb

(from my journal) Puente La Reina Easter Thursday / 7pm Arrived exhausted, physically, mentally, emotionally. 9pm Showered. Clothes washed. In a bar looking forward to food and wine. I’m utterly wiped out. My feet are numb and my shoulders ache. This is the day my pilgrimage actually began. We started the day in magnificent Pamplona. We joined up with a […]

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