We Pilgrims

(photo by Callie Starks)
Thom is a Catholic convert, an Oblate of the Order of Saint Benedict, and a writer. He has a great love of the sacred liturgy, history, and his beautiful bride (though not necessarily in that order).
In addition to his day job as policy editor for a large tech company, he somehow finds the time to write on all sorts of side projects, putter around the house, volunteer at his parish, read voraciously, play games, and work (poorly) with wood. He’s one of the volunteer copy editors for La Concha, the magazine of the American Pilgrims on the Camino.
He’s author of The Altar Server Manual, and he’s been noodling on a novel about the Camino through time, though he never seems to get anywhere with it. Maybe he’ll find the required inspiration and discipline after his next Camino…
Check out his blog, Mundus Tranquilare Hic.
Francine is also a Benedictine Oblate, a writer and content creator, and the head of our little urban farm, known as Pistachio House.
She’s a USA Today bestselling author with numerous books in various stages of being written and edited and published under several nom de plume, as well as being the Creative Director for La Concha, the magazine of the American Pilgrims on the Camino.
She has more hobbies and interests than you can count, including cooking, playing the ukelele, knitting, board games, video games (the cozy ones, mostly), TTRPGs, miniature painting, graphic design, baking, sewing, gardening, chicken whispering …
Thom and Francine live together with two cats, a flock of chickens, and occasional relatives at Pistachio House.
Pray for us, and pray for all pilgrims upon the earth.
“The Church is an inn, where wayfarers returning to the eternal homeland are refreshed from their journey.”
(Saint Augustine)