Practical Pilgrimage
As of this afternoon, I’m basically 200 words away from finishing my draft of a short (~50-page) book called Practical Pilgrimage. It’s based on my Camino Rules, and I’m super excited about finally finishing this and getting it out. As always, the last pages are the most challenging. Why? Because I left them for last for a reason.
This is a look at the first page, and I’ve spotted yet another typo. So it goes.

Once this is done, I’ll finish up another small book, this time of Camino poetry. That’s done, more or less, other than two or three sonnetinas that need cleaning up. Then there’s the layout.
After that, I’m considering three other projects:
- a travelogue based on my journals from the Long Camino,
- an expansion of my article here on Camino spirituality,
- a long-contemplated novel.
The first two may be plausibly combined. We shall see.