Ten Thousand Photos
In all, I uploaded 10,113 photos from my long Camino. It only took me six weeks, on and off. It helped me start my Camino recovery, though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still suffering a bit from the post-Camino blues. I’m considering a new “Camino photo of the day” series, in part to help me process my pilgrimage.
On the walking portion of my pilgrimage, the “photos per day” ranges from a low of 39 (on that awful day from Samos to Barbadelo) to a high of 281 (from San Martín del Camino to Astorga). Of course, travel days and rest days come in at the tailing extremes (17 from my arrival in Lyon to my train trip to Le Puy and 372 on my Burgos rest day).
I took 829 more photos in Spain than I did in France, despite only spending one day longer in Spain. More of my “low photo count” days were in Spain, though.
The photos may be found, organized into day-by-day albums, on my Flickr page. Enjoy!